Daily Double

Wowzers, I guess I really am going full steam ahead with this puppy, aren’t I? There are so many blogging ideas runnin’ wild and crazy in mah head right now that I’ve just got to spit some of ’em out like a pumpkin seed.  Lovely visual, ain’t it?

Anywhoot, I come to you this fine evening with two extremely different blogging subjects that I wish I had enough energy to share with you, however I have chosen the most superior: snot.

Currently, there is some kind of virus or cold running rabid throughout my body.  Thus, causing a lot of snot and gook to get clogged up in my nose, creating the constant need to blow my nose.  Now, before I go any further, it should be known that I am generally I pretty disgusting person.  The best part of vomiting is seeing what it looks like in the toilet (thinking that thought made me want some Stouffer’s Mac and Cheese, which is what all vomit tastes like anyway, right?).  I understand that not all people, especially sixteen year old girls, share this love of observing bodily fliuds.  I know this, and I usually refrain from sharing this passion with others.  HOWEVER, it truly irks me that people are willing to vocalize their disgust when I- someone who is obviously suffering- am blowing my nose.  Just put the facts that I like to look at throw-up and that after I blow my nose, nothing gives me more pleasure than to feel the warm snot inside of a tissue aside for a minute, and think about what the point I am attempting to get across (boy- this song was counter-productive), who is the more disgusting one- the person who is simply trying to bounce back from an illness… OR the person who visualises and fixates on the snot pouring out of another person’s nose whenever they hear someone blowing their nose?

May 6, 2009. The Daily. Leave a comment.

This is what I think about all day.

I’m weird.  I think it’s important you know this early on in our relationship, future reader. If you haven’t figured this out by reading my earlier posts/ possible future posts, you will certainly be confident that the statement is true by the end of this blog.  Just giving you a heads up so you can prepare yourself.

So, I was sick yesterday, and I came back to school today feeling completely brain dead.  Forced to cope with the people who take Volleyball way to seriously in gym, my mind began to wander.  And, I noticed, that many times in gym volleyball, since everyone except for that one really arrogant person on every team (yeah, you know the one) sucks, the ball frequently ends up on the wrong court and then the other team has to toss it back over.  However, a lot of times this happens to two teams at the same time, causing each court to be in possession of the opposite court’s ball (the balls in their court!), and instead of everyone keeping the ball that is in their court at that moment in time, you swap back so everyone has the same ball that they began with.  Why? With most other games, I make a little sense out of this.  Since this is public school, some of the balls can get to be in really bad shape, so there is a certain seniority that goes along with getting the good balls (get past all the dirtiness here and stay with me), however it’s kind of difficult to destroy a volleyball, so all of them are pretty much equal in appearance and performance.  It’s just kind of weird.  But THEN, that got me thinking about a Mitchell Davis video ( http://www.youtube.com/user/livelavalive ), where he mentions how it bothers him that large groups of white people cannot clap in sync.  Another strange white person phenomenon for you to ponder.  Speaking of white person phenomenons… stuff white people like.com is amazing.  I suggest you check it out.

I had about a million and fifty nine thousand other things that I wanted to talk about… herumph, I’ve forgotten them all.  In that case, I’m off to do some math homework, take a nap, and then I may return if I remember what I wanted to discuss with y’all.

Hugs not Drugs,


May 5, 2009. The Daily. Leave a comment.