Marley & Me and ME

So, I just finished watching Marley and Me. And it was really fucking sad. Mainly because that dog reminded me so much of my ‘ole poochie, and I want another one so badly :(. I think anyone who has/had a dog can relate to that movie. Fo’ Shizz.

But anywhoot, I feel like no CONSTANTLY things are popping up and reminding me “Hey, guess what, you’re life sucks.” It doesn’t really suck right now, in the moment. But it sucks because I’m thinking about how much it’s going to suck soon which is making right now suck more than it should. Follow me?

In the movie, the guy was a reporter and he was restless and his wife stopped reporting because she wanted to stay home with the chillins’ and all that crap. And it just got me thinking.

The deal is, I want to be a journalist. So fucking bad. My Dad wants me to be a teacher, or a nurse. That isn’t happening. I say absolutely, one hundred percent no to the nurse, I’m not going to be responsible for saving anyone’s life or helping them when their guts are falling out of their body. A teacher? Only if it was at an inner city school, or something like that. If there’s not a little excitement then I don’t want to do it. But I would make the worlds worst teacher, I’m such a procrastinator and grading papers would be nearly impossible for me. Unless I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what I have to do, I’m going to procrastinate as long as necessary. When you ask me if I’m done, I’m going to say yes, and then I’m going to stay up until three in the morning because I didn’t start my Bio project until quarter after midnight because I was too busy playing bubble shooter all day. That’s just how I roll.  And, I know that if I’m a teacher, or an office worker or a sandwich maker or a clown or WHATEVER, I’ll be bored. I’ll hate it. I need the variable to change. And, I never realize how much I need change until after something has changed. That’s why I want to be a journalist. Because you get to go out, and talk to people. And, if you make it big, you don’t know if you’re going to be spending the next day in South Philly or South Baghdad, which I love.


June 22, 2009. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.